Maybe you are just a liquid dream. Seeping into my soul in the dead of night when everything sleeps apart from my memories from another life, another electric, terrifying, lasciviously greedy time, when your lips touched my body, while mapping the skincape unfolding beneath your breath leaving a ripple of mesmerising carnal pleasures, lingering in my veins... Or maybe you are not... Virginia Alison
About This Quote

In the poem "Maybe You Are", by Anne Sexton, the speaker is not sure whether what she has experienced with a lover is a dream or reality.The speaker refers to a man who she had a one night stand with. The speaker describes her lover as a liquid that seeps into her soul in the dead of night when everything sleeps apart from her memories from another life, another electric, terrifying, lasciviously greedy time. In this context, it can be understood that the speaker is confused about what she has experienced with the man she had a one night stand with.

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